J.C. Daniels

Mom. Wife. Writer. Reader. I wear a lot of hats. I'm also Shiloh Walker.

Stalking the Others (H&W Investigations) - Jess Haines Liked this one a lot. And I really love Royce. I wanna see more of him. Shia...stop being so mean to him.
Deceived by the Others - Jess Haines I freely admit... I never liked Chaz anyway. :)
The Big Guns - HelenKay Dimon I crashed last night with a hot bath and a book. This book. I read about half of it and then had to crawl out of the tub before I fell asleep in there.

Then I finished the book this morning. Was very good. The hero is hardheaded. The heroine needed to punch him once or twice, but he finally got the point. ;)
Fair Game  - Patricia Briggs so that was beyond awesome. Wow. And the ending??? Whoa...
Control Point - Myke Cole read it, loved it. want the next one.
Oracle's Moon - Thea Harrison nom. loved. want more. now.
Magic Mourns -  Ilona Andrews the problem with stories like this... I wanna read more about all the other secondaries. O.o
Cover Me (Elite Force: That Others May Live) - Catherine Mann I wanna read more by her. Loved the Alaska setting.
New York to Dallas - J.D. Robb, Susan Ericksen liked it a lot. mystery part wasn't as deep as some others, but I wasn't expecting it to be. I figured this one would be more about Eve and her past, and it was. Still, it was really good. Only Nora/JD can keep me hooked on a series this long, I swear.
Once and Again (Petal, Georgia, #1) - Lauren Dane I like. A Lot.
The Wanton - Rosemary Rogers I need to find this and read it again. This was the first romance I ever read. I'm pretty sure I was 12. I ended up reading more romance, found authors like Nora Roberts, who got me HOOKED...yep. need to read again. (Yes, this isn't much of a review...sorry!)
Angels of Darkness -  Meljean Brook,  Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, Sharon Shinn Have read & loved Ilona & Nalini's stories. Onto Meljean & Sharon Shinn's.
Prey: A Novel - Linda Howard love, love, LOVE Linda Howard.
Hexed - Ilona Andrews, Allyson James, Yasmine Galenorn, Jeanne C. Stein I've read Magic Dreams. I loved Magic Dreams. I want more Jim and Dali. There's also somebody else I want more of. I wonder if Ilona would shoot me if I emailed her and asked... O.o
Silver Shark - Ilona Andrews Oh... this was fun. I definitely think Ilona knows her way around SF. I started reading it, thought I'd read maybe half and then ended up staying up until almsot 2am to finish it. VERY very good.
Chasing Fire - Nora Roberts Enjoyed it a lot-not my favorite NR, that would be the Irish Jewels, the Chesapeake books, or almost all of her JD Robbs, but still, a good read.